2013-10-12 18.06.48

Waste less time hating on others & invest more time loving life. I promise you, you’ll be a much happier & positive person to be around. The side effect of this is that you will attract other positive, like minded & hearted people into your life. When you flip this & ask, who do you like being around more & who brings out the best in you, the haters or lovers of life, I bet the lovers of life win. Choose to be one.

Live your life and make it a great day, every day.

Shane Kempton

About Shane Kempton

My obsession is to "Build a life by design & not just accept the default option". My passion is to "Help others build a life of their design & not just accept the default option". My desire is to hang out with others who think the same way. Who's in? “Inspiration with Accountability” says it all. 6 foot 4 inches tall and 110kg, Shane Kempton is born, bred and proudly Western Australian. He has experienced life and business from many perspectives and at the highest level. From serving his country as a Soldier, including time working with the Australian SAS, Business Owner of Australia's Number 1 real estate office for the Harcourts/Roy Weston Group, through to state CEO of an international brand. Using his successful background, Shane now shares the wisdom from his vast life experiences to help and inspire others through his current and various appointments that include, Director of Sales and Marketing for the 4Land Property Group, Chairman of Ocean To Outback Contracting, Director of RISE Training, Club Captain for the Joondalup Brothers Rugby Union Football Club and via his keynote speeches, mentoring and coaching. Being a loving family man, blessed with 4 healthy children and now a Grandson, Shane has a strong sense community responsibility and gives back to it in various ways. Applying his Masonic values of “Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth”, he has been involved with Strike A Chord now for many years and at various levels, including the Sir Richard Branson Breakfast that raised in excess of $160,000. Most recently he had the honor and privilege of being appointed Ambassador for the organization. Shane is the founder of Kids Helping Kids and is passionate about encouraging children of all ages to realize the gift of giving and serving others. His goal is to inspire a generation of kids to have an attitude of gratitude and to realize the importance and blessing in helping another in a time of need.
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1 Response to

  1. joedalio says:

    I couldn’t agree more. I find that when I focus on being my best self regardless of what people say, I have more to give and share 🙂

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